That was the beginning of our relationship. He helped me tremendously, and one day he gave me his phone number to call him if I wanted to talk. One Friday evening after I got to my apartment after work, I thought to myself, why sit here all alone. . .I think I'll call Jack and see if I can go visit him for a while. He said yes and gave me instructions on how to get to his place and I went on over to see him. When I got there, he was doing dishes and listening to Led Zepplin. He invited me in and we listened to the music and sat on the floor and talked for hours. When I got ready to go home, he walked me to my car and touched my shoulder and said, "Sometimes all you need is a friend". And what a friend he has been all these years!
We started going out and hanging around together all the time at work and after work and in July he asked me to move in. On the 16th of July, he said we should get married and have a baby! I was shocked because I had felt too old to ever meet anyone, fall in love or have children. I thought life had passed me by. I went in after break and told Linda what had happened. I cried in the women's bathroom and they were tears of happiness and surprise.
He posted our engagement in the paper and we went to his Mom's house to tell her about it. We had a small celebration party and I was the happiest girl in the world. I was having so much fun and he took me to places I didn't know existed. One night he asked me if I wanted to go see KISS and I said yes, not knowing a thing about them. I had the time of my life and couldn't take my eyes off them. I stood up for the whole concert and had the time of my life! On the way home it was all I talked about. I think he sort of smiled knowing I was a country bumpkin who had never seen anything like that! We always had fun together and we didn't particularly care if other people liked it or not!
In December on my birthday, the 24th, we tied the knot at my parent's house in Chula Vista. It was a beautiful day, hot, sunny and so still. Like all the world was watching. Then we left to begin our lives together, and that night we went for a drive and everything was decorated for Christmas and it seemed like it was all to celebrate our union. I was then, and am now, one of the happiest people on the planet. He has been such a blessing to me. He has been there through a difficult birth and raising 3 kids while we both worked. He has been there through medical problems, the death of my parents and grandmother, and through many financial problems, and personal problems. He is right now working at a job he's not particularly happy with, so I can be retired. He always puts me first, always loves me, always gives his all and today we have 3 grown children, 7 grandchildren, a home that's really a home. We have given our all to each other and even though we don't have a huge bank account or live in a mansion, we have the strong love and support of a loving family and each other.
I have had problems that would have driven most men away, but not Jack. He stays and gives his support, love and devotion and helps me every day to celebrate a life that was a gift from God. I love this man more every day if that's possible, and I know in the great beyond, we will still be loving one another and sharing what God has planned for us until that day arrives when we say goodnight for a short while. But we will be reunited in the great beyond and I just want the world to know what a lucky lady I am and how devoted I am to this wonderful person. He has always made me feel young and today I hae to say I still feel young even though I am 64.
Thank you Jack for all you have done for me. I love everything about you and I love the life we have together. I will love you for all eternity and look back over the years with a full heart and a mind that is at peace forever more. That poem I wrote asking life not to pass me by, well you are the direct answer to that call from my heart to life itself. You are the answer to all my dreams and hopes and you have always been a friend to me even in the darkest hours of my life. I don't think anyone else could have done for me what you have done, and I hope the love I have for you fills your heart to overflowing and you can forget about the loneliness and isolation you knew as a child and even the despair and discouragement you found in life before you met me. I hope I have replaced all those memories with love in abundance. We all love you, me most of all and I wish for you all the happiness and fulfillment you need in life. You deserve all the good things that life has to give, and our family is my gift to you too, as well as from you to me. We were meant to be together and I am glad you see me through the eyes of love. That is the only true picture of a person. . .when seen with the heart and the eyes of love, everyone is beautiful and important. All life is sacred as you taught me. And you have shown me through all the years how sacred you hold my life. Thank you my darlin' for showing me life in all it's beauty, and for sharing your life with me.
Love you forever,