Stillness. Withdrawal from the world. Peace is mine. For years I dealt with the red dust. Now I am free. My home is my refuge. Away from the tribulatios of every day out in the world, my mind is still. The beauty of nature is one of my delights. Another is a steaming cup of hot tea served in my favorite cup. The face of my grandchild, deep asleep. The love of my family. A bountiful meal prepared with love. My home...a refuge from the elements.
My rose garden, planted by my husband with love and labor. Pictures of
loved ones from years gone by. My comfortable, warm bed where I rest
after the labor of the day. This pen and paper that help me to record my reflections on a life well-lived and the blessings of stillness. The gift of perfect sight after years of poor vision. The skilled hands of the surgeon who removed the diseased lenses from my eyes and replaced them with new lenses, allowing me to see as I've never before seen.
The smiles of our children, grown now, and finding their way. The love of God, shining down from the heavens. The Tao, my roadmap through
life. Wisdom. My treasure, after years of learning and study.
Everything I see is full of wonder. The autumn colors of nature. The storm clouds of winter, bringing rain and wind. The fresh air after a rain-storm. The smell of fresh coffee after a good nights sleep. The sweet innocence of a new-born. The moon shining through dark clouds. The stars on a clear night. The rising of the sun. My husbands blue eyes and loving embrace. The labors and love of my daughter who does so much for me.
Our grandchildren, our sons' creations of love. Life returning new life that will continue after we are gone. The return to spirit after our journey on earth. All things have a purpose. All life is sacred. Everything is beautiful to the eyes that see with love.
My soul is at peace after years of medication and therapy. Now, rest,
reflection, prayer and meditation take the place of pain and rejection
of the past. Life is full of love. I created children with the man I love.
He has given selflessly for years, and continues to give every day.
My life is full of love and peace. I can create beauty in all I do if I act
from love. Pure love is the presence of God. God is love and peace forevermore.
I rest in God.