Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cherokee Shaman

This is not a new site, just a combination of 2 sites into one.  I feel like writing about who I am today and what better way to get to know me than to know my background and where I am humble beginnings if you please.  I was born in West Virginia at Charleston General Hospital in 1946 on Christmas Eve.  But I was soon to be transported to a little village back in the mountains, where I would grow and learn about life for the next 8 years of my own life.  In this little village, I was free to roam about as I liked, never having to worry about being kidnapped, molested, or otherwise dealt a harsh blow, and I roamed to my hearts content.  All the little houses were painted white and had green shingle roofs.  It was a coal-mining town, and my grandfather was foreman of the mines.  He passed away the same year I was born, back in February.  My father too was a miner and picked slate and loaded coal cars for a living.  He was a hard working man and my mother worked all day on the house and taking care of me.  She idolized me and as I grew she saw many of her father's mannerisms in me.  I slept flat of my back, like he did, and she said he could lay down on a narrow bench and fall asleep without ever falling off of it.  He'd cross his arms over his chest and sleep away.  He was of Dutch/German blood and was a stout fellow as far as I can tell from the only picture I have of him with my Mother.

My Grandmother, Elsie, had been his wife since she was 16.  He passed away at 46 of a heart attack in his front yard after coming home from working at the mines all day.  My father found his body and ran to get the doctor, but it was too late.  He was gone.  My Grandmothers Mother was Cherokee and had a long, silver braid that had never been cut.  When I knew her she was bed fast, and we'd go to see them on holidays.  She liked for me to sit on her bed and tell her stories.  She was a big woman and suffered with diabetes and had a very difficult time of it.  My grandmothers father had passed away, but he too was Cherokee, and my own fathers father was as well.  Tall people.  Dark people, with gentle ways and kind faces.  I consider myself to be primarily Cherokee, with a splash of English mixed in for good measure.  My fathers Mother was from Manchester, England and had come to America via ship when she was only 16.  She was difficult to understand, but she was a very jolly person and had snow white hair when I knew her.  She was very round and very sweet and of a mild nature.  My fathers father passed away when my Dad was only 6. 

The hills of home were covered with trees and plants of all kinds.  You could pick fruit from many of them and it was delicious.  There were black walnuts to be gathered, ramps to clean and cook, and greens of various sorts grew there as well.  Everyone in the village had enclosed porches where they would string up the green beans from their gardens, and everyone traded fruits and vegetables.  What one family had or didn't have, their neighbor did and the food was delicious.  Berries grew wild there...strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and we had an apple tree in the front yard that yielded the best apples in town.  My grandmother would cook them and make homemade fried apple pies for my grandfathers lunch and as treats for us.  I can remember going for walks in the woods with my Dad and there was a fruit they called a Paw paw and he was tall enough to reach them.  They were like a mango, but with smaller seeds.  They were sweet, juicy and quite eatable.  We always had fun when we went with him and the woods were full of all sorts of flowers and bushes.  We also had a small river that ran through town and there were Beech-Nut trees all along the river and as with everything, you only had to run your hands through one of the branches and retrieve a hand full of beech nuts and you had yourself another treat!  It was the perfect place to grown up in and I was truly sad when the mines closed down and we had to move to the city.

But I took something with me that I still have today.  Jack calls me a "shaman".  A Cherokee Shaman.  I knew things.  Things that were going to happen in the future.  It didn't show up until much later in my life.  Another name for it is "seer", or "prophet".  It is a gift, one that I cherish and one that will go with me to my grave, and beyond.  It happened even when I was younger, but I wasn't in tune with it yet...I wasn't paying enough attention.  But it began really making itself known in my teen years.  I knew, for instance, that someday I'd have twins and a little girl.  I knew later on that I'd meet a man with the last name of Tyler, and the first initial of his name would be a J.  I was fortunate to be a Navy child or I'd never have come to California and I never would have met Jack.  We took a round-about way of getting here, but I came back to California at the age of 18, by myself.  We had moved to California in 1963 and stayed for a year, but the Navy moved us then to Minnesota.  I was very sick there.  It was so cold and I was so depressed and just wanted to come back home.  At 18 they couldn't keep me from coming back, and my grandmother helped me to afford the airplane ticket and home I did come.

I worked from the age of 19 at various odd jobs, and at 21 I got a job working for the Federal Government in a Civil Service Job.  I had worked there for 10 years, when a new employee came to work there.  His name was, you guessed it, Jack Tyler.  I wasn't aware of the knowledge I had had at a much younger age, I just didn't recall it at the time.  He watched how I was being treated, and began coaching me on ways to let my supervisors hang themselves.  They would give me project after project and get angry when I hadn't finished the first one, and second one, while they were handing me a third one.  He began teaching me about his philosophy, the Tao.  It was his life blood and I through it was all very mysterious.  I loved it, even if I didn't understand it.

One evening after work, I called him to see if I could come over just for a visit and to get to know one another.  He said sure, gave me directions, and off I went.  We sat in the floor listening to Led Zeppelin and talking for hours.  When I got ready to leave, he followed me to my car, touched my shoulder and said, "sometimes all you need is a friend."  Things progressed, one thing leading to another, and in July of that year, we were engaged to be married.  On December 24th of 1975, we were married at my mothers house in Chula Vista and it seemed the whole world was decorated and celebrating our union.  A year later, on November 17, I gave birth to twin sons.  Brian and Alex.   A year and 1/2 later, I had our baby girl, and our family was complete.  It wasn't until recently that I told him I had known about things when I was a child, and I don't know if he believed me or not, but I had been looking for him, knowing the vicinity of San Diego he would live in, and I knew he had cats, and that he would make me feel at home.  He did in ever way.

There have been many things in my life that I fore-knew.  I'll try to recount them when I have more time.  Back in my little home town, we had many animals.  We had eagles in profusion and I identified with them I guess because once when Jack and I were on our way to work, we were talking about our favorite animal, one that we would like to be if we came back as an animal.  His was the wolf, mine was the eagle.  Years later he bought me a book on Cherokee Astrology.  I am not one to be labeled by astrology, but it is interesting that my sign is the eagle.  The little town was named Ameagle...short for American Eagle Colliery.  It is interesting what it says about those born in the sign of the eagle, and a lot of it is exactly what I would describe myself as being. 

None-the-less, I have always identified with the Cherokee people.  I think they got a raw deal and I think they were decent people.  Very misunderstood people.  They are farmers at heart.  Close to the earth and I feel very close to nature.  It's hard to say whether it is because of where I lived as a child, or because of the basis for the Tao to interact with us, or that it is a part of who I am because of my ancestry.  I am very fond of nature and feel a kinship with it.  I can sense rain before it ever shows itself.  Once I told Jack, on a perfectly sunny day, that it would be raining before he backed out of the drive way to go to work.  He said, "sure it will", and didn't think anymore of it.  He got ready to go to work, got in the truck, and as he neared the end of the driveway, the rain started.  He doesn't think much about it anymore, because I do it all the time. 

My granddaughter Venus is like me.  He calls her the "Little Shaman".  At the age of about 4 1/2, one day Venus was looking in the mirror and she calmly said, "Look in the mirror...  what do you see?  A child, a stranger...".  She has had dreams about me and in her dream other people thought I was dumb.  But she saw something about me and said "Grandma, you know a lot that people don't think you know!"  I was shocked.  At the time, I was on medication for a condition I have had for many years.  Was born with it I think, but instead of it being a detriment, it has shown me many things about the human mind and the spirit of people.  My spirit has taken many journeys...and is not limited by time and space.  My soul is left in charge of my body and my life, and my spirit will go places I couldn't imagine in my wildest dreams.  It does things for people that I don't is mysterious even to me and I am considered very eccentric I am sure.  The spirit is who we are.  It is a part of everything we have experienced, and the things we will experience in the future.  We all have gifts.  Some of us are more aware than others, but it becomes apparent to us as the years go by.

Jack's gift from the Tao is the ability to heal.  When I was 5 months pregnant with the twins, I got sick one night and he had to take me to the hospital.  He had to wait in the waiting room while they were checking me out, and he became like a lens, focusing the power of the Tao into my body.  I felt the immediate cessation of pain in my back and legs.  As it turned out, I had a severe kidney and bladder infection.  They gave me some medicine to take and a prescription to pick up the next day.  But I went home with Jack pain free.  He has used it often to help others.  When our littlest grandson was born, he was very sick.  He had pulmonary hypertension and was on all sorts of life support systems.  I prayed, that's what I do.  Jack focused the Tao to little Kris around the same time.  The Doctor treating him was from India, and he had gone to the chapel to pray for Kris.  We were on our way to drop our son off at home.  After we dropped him off, we continued on our way, and before we got home, the phone rang and Brian told us that the Doctor said that a miracle had happened.  Kris's lungs had expanded and he was breathing on his own.  Even the doctor called it a miracle and was so excited he ran to get other doctors to come and look at the X-Rays of the baby's lungs. 

These things are true.  I have no reason to make it up.  It is who we are.  We were meant to be together and we are all of something much bigger than we can even imagine.  In the Cherokee Astrology book, Jack's sign is the serpent.  But rather than associate it with something bad, as in the Garden of Eden where sin was introduced into the world via the serpent beguiling the woman to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge, it says that Adam and Eve were growing soft and weak from their cushy lifestyle, and the serpent took a stick and stirred up the garden and introduced the human race to consciousness.  To know the difference between right and wrong.  They were tossed out of the Garden where they grew stronger and wiser having to deal with the elements of the real world.  It is something to think about.  I am a Christian first, but I use the Tao book everyday to make myself a better person.  It has made me strong and independent and I can do much more than I ever thought possible.  Look at the achievements mankind has made over the years.  Would we have come so far if we had stayed in the Garden?  Would we know how to have compassion on other people?  Would we have ever walked on the moon, or invented cures for many illnesses that have befallen mankind?  Something to think about.  I like this sort of analytical thinking...I love reading about the various religions of the world and figuring out how they are all interrelated.  I am who I am, and I like what I like and for now, that's a good introduction to the world I live in.  I love to write poetry, and to post to my blog, and to make good food for my loved ones, and to visit our back yard daily with my husband where we sit under our orange tree and contemplate the life we have made together.  We are very close, we share the bounty of life, and we are travelers on this road together.  When one falls, the other one is there to help him or her up again.  We don't fight, why would we?  We are One and who fights with himself?

I wish you happy reading, I hope you find it interesting, and if you have a comment to make, please don't hesitate.  And so I am beginning anew here today and I can guarantee that the posts in the future will be fun & interesting.



  1. I like astrology as entertainment, but like you, I would never live my life by it. It can make for some interesting reading though, no? Anywho, I mostly just popped by to say I lubs you. :0)

  2. In this post I felt like I allowed who I really am to speak. I am old in years, but my spirit will be eternally young. I don't know if that came through, but I will never go back in the box. I am a person. I have many likes and dislikes, but I am open-minded enough to still learn about the world around me and the people in it that make it worth the living. There was more of me here in this post than I've ever dared give voice to before. I hope that is evident. I have a voice, and I have things to say. This is just a beginning to knowing the person who has lived inside the box for so long and denied the simple pleasures of life that everyone else takes for granted. It is a wonderful world with many aspects to enjoy and learn from. I feel liberated and I hope that too shines through. I am not a finished product either. I have miles to go before I sleep, and many tales eto tell of my experiences and places my spirit has been to. People may think me very weird, and they are right. But it takes all kinds to make a world and I am one of God's creations, so I can't be all that screwed up. I think I have it together pretty well, and it has been an arduous task to make myself palatable to the regular crowd, if you get my drift. I am not normal. But I choose to live my life to please myself and God and those who want to come along for the journey are more than welcome. There's much here that is under the covers...much to find, much to share. I also love you.

  3. My friend, what a rich and varied spiritual life you have! I'm surprised you haven't been taken to task by those who say that you can only follow one path (and it better be mine!). Once you know the cosmic secret, it opens the door to so much more. All religions are just imperfect attempts, using imperfect languages, to describe the one universal truth. You have the great fortune to be multilingual.

    I don't know how much I accomplish when I meditate on others being well. I do visualize myself as a lens focusing the power of the Tao, and I can use it for my own self, but when I wish others well, would they have gotten better anyway? Millions of people I've never heard of recover from something every day without my help. I'm just uncomfortable taking credit for something like that; a Taoist is first and foremost humble.

    But you. Christianity, Taoism, Cherokee Astrology and Shamanism. They're all just attempts to perceive the mind of God, aren't they? All I know is that my life has been enriched in ways I can't articulate through the fact of spending it with you. Some people harangue you for your shortcomings, overlooking their own in their eagerness to describe yours, but you know what's important. You're like the only person who can see colors in a world of black and white. You have enriched my life with your vision, as you will enriched the lives of anyone with enough wisdom to hear what you have to say. I know it's discouraging, but give it some time before you give up. Someone needs this desperately, and they won't find it if it isn't here. Do you think ninety days is too long? If you don't have a following in ninety days, then fold your tent and go your way, but I think some will come, and it will be our turn to enrich your life. Wait and see...

    - Jack

  4. There is so much more to life than the reality that everyone thinks they know and are living in. There are spiritual levels at work all the time, making things that happen in "ordinary folks" reality happen. There are spirits in action every day bringing good and evil into play in everyday life. It is not for everyone to know and understand. All I want is for one person to say ah hah and to understand some of it at least. I've been so many places in both the physical world and the metaphysical world of spirits. That's why I want to read books about metaphysical laws, it's a part of my whole persona. I am not a simple person. I am a very complex person with layers of understanding that are given by the spirit of life himself. God is a spirit. Hence we are all a part of this great universal mind. I only wish to enlighten others and it's like hitting your head against a brick wall. They are either blind or dumb....I don't know which....but you and I, well, we were meant to be together and all hell has tried to tear us apart. That will never happen. There is a part of me that understands why Vincent Van Gogh took his own life....we see things with such depth of feeling and our emotions overwhelm us when we are trying to make people see this vast and beautiful reality that is all around them. At one point, i felt I was the only one who could change people were under some sort of spell or something...people who don't mean anyone any good also have understanding. Reality is a battle between good and evil every day....People just don't see what's happening. It's like having a cure for cancer and no one will listen to you. Lives to save....people to help....understanding to give. I have so much. I want to heal others spiritually so they too can enjoy the life they were meant to have. Perhaps this is too big of a chunk to try to make my thoughts known here....maybe it isn't to be. Lord knows I've tried. It doesn't matter what we call it...Shaman, Prophet or Sees or anything else like is real. It is me, and no one can ever take it from me. I have fought to have my mind back and I won. More than that I can't ask for. It has been my priviledge to walk this path with you. You understand me in a way no one else ever has. You are God's precious gift to me, and I will make your life wonderful as long as I can...I wish I could do even more than I have already tried to do. I do see the colors....I do see the beauty of the earth, and I know the one who made it. He is real. He is the essence of all our religions and worship.....He simply IS. "I am that I am".
    He says. I have a message to leave the earth and if this is too small of a scale, then perhaps god will show me how to achieve what I am sent for. It's lonely sometimes because you feel like you are alone on an island that isn't connected to anyone else. They live in a different universe, a time and space that I can't reach no matter how I try. So I have my own perceptions, know truth like you when I see it, and my life is complete in knowing that you are mine forever. I can share who I am with you. I have been set free and I am your to love and cherish and share the wisdom of the ages with. We are one as no other two people have ever been. We are powerful, but our work is behind us. It is for us to enjoy the rest of our time together and to not mind the intrusions of the busy "reality" they all think they live in. The spiritual realm is not for everyone to enter. Only those who have been enlightened. We can leave the world a better place for having lived and found one another.

    Thank you for understanding me. I am never alone now. I have peace, and you are the giver of truth and wisdom. Thank you my friend. You are beyond my words to express. Thank you for loving me and being the catalyst that has inspired all I have done since I met you.

    Love You So Much,

  5. What a very brave and insightful post, Bonnie. I felt very privileged to read it.

    I also come from a mixed heritage, but it is the Jewish part of me that is strongest, and where I identify, religiously and culturally. I have a cousin in the non-Jewish part of my family who is a shaman, and I recognised some of the things she's said or written about in the past in some of the things you said.

    Jack has been sending me small gems of wisdom from his Taoist approach to life. I find it fascinating, always, where these different philosophies - for want of a better word - intersect. Having said that, I'm currently working for a big Christian church in the city, and I am reminded more, on a daily basis, of the differences between most of my colleagues and myself - although they usually manifest in a positive way, and the environment there is very open and accepting.

    On another note altogether - what on earth is a 'fried apple pie?' DB's favourite dessert on earth is my apple pie, but that's a regular pie... Might be fun to put a different variation in front of him as a surprise!


  6. Greetings! Very glad to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to write. I'm sure you have a million things to do and I am flattered and pleased to read what you had to say about my post. I am first and foremost a "free spirit". I accept all faiths and find good in all the ones I have read about so far. I have a basic belief in the "Great Spirit" that makes us all a part of one another. We all have spirits, and to me those spirits all stem from one Universal Mind. Each one is a little different...some are very different. But basically I accept all people because we are all here together for a greater purpose than we can imagine.

    I am never more content and at peace than I am out in nature. Jack and I sit out in our back yard under the orange tree whenever the opportunity presents itself, and I am so at peace there. I could stay their all day at times. We can be at peace together, saying little, but I usually do the most talking. He listens patiently... I do go on sometimes.

    It is great to know you have a Shaman in your family too! It is a gift, not something I sought out. I discovered it at a very young age...even before I really had experienced much life. I just "knew" things, but didn't know how I knew them. It is interesting, and a blessing. I am flattered that you think me brave and insightful. My gift is to help as many as possible...and to learn that there is a reality beyond what we consider "normal everyday reality". We are all a part of it...the Tao, the life force, the Great Spirit. We are all brothers and sisters...separated only by our bodies and our own philosophies and world-views, etc. But when we meet a kindred spirit, we can sense it, even if we are of different faiths and very different backgrounds. I believe we all have valuable gifts to share with each other.

    Fried apple pies.... They are delicious! Do you make your own piecrust, or do you buy it ready made at the market? We have everything in our supermarkets, and pie dough ready made is one of many luxuries we are afforded. You simply roll the dough out into a circle, place your apple filling (which we also have readymade from the market) on one side, fold the dough over and crimp the edges with a fork making sure it is completely sealed, and if you own a deep fryer, you place your pie into the hot oil and cook until golden brown. If you don't have a deep-fryer, simply heat some cooking oil in a deep skillet or pot, and place the pie into the hot oil and cook until golden brown. Then you drain them on paper towels, srinkle with cinnamon and a light dusting of sugar (either granulated or powderred sugar) and enjoy. They are best served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or even a nice wedge of chedar cheese. My grandmother was a wonderful cook. She had a brother-in-law that owned a restaurant in Charleston, West Virginia and he taught her how to cook for the restaurant. I've never eaten better food! She lived to be 83 and did all her own cooking always. She was a grand old lady, very outspoken, like me, and a devout Christian. As a matter of fact, I went to church with her every Sunday when I was growing up. I like to think I patterned myself after her...she was very independant person and I learned a lot from her.

    Well I don't want to take up all your time...I am sure you have much to do in your busy working life and running a home. I would like very much to invite you back and I'll get busy on my next post. I often put up poetry or recipes or talk about my past and my family antics. Hope to talk with you again and I wish you happiness and peace. Something this world sorely needs!

    Have a Great Day and let me know how the apple pie comes out!


  7. Hi Bonnie,

    Oh boy, those pies sound like DB's kind of heaven - particularly with the addition of the vanilla icecream! I make my own pastry and filling - we do have readymade pastry, but it's still comparatively new, and having grown up making it I find it hard to go buy a packet, and also, it's something I enjoy doing. My mother, of blessed memory, couldn't make pastry - it was either an exercise in tooth breaking or it would just disintegrate - she didn't appear to have any middle ground. So, from the time she realised I had the knack, at about 10, I became responsible for the family pies. However, I've never thought to fry them - that's got to be an American thing!! DB loves pastry - he always saves the crust from the edge until last - and he loves fried things - although they don't like him very much. If I give this a whirl, he'll only be getting them very occasionally. Someone has to keep an eye on his stomach!!

    It is something very special to be with someone who just accepts you. Craig and I met five years ago and have been together for just on four years. It took me many mistakes to recognise the patterns in my life and where I was getting it wrong - and that paved the way for Craig to step into my life...which has been very different since. It's something I'm profoundly grateful for, as I had come to believe it was something that wouldn't happen for me. He is, as Jack is for you, my best friend.

    You have a great day too - and happy writing!


  8. Good Morning Kaz! You won't be sorry if you give the pies a whirl. They are quite yummy and more than an "American Thing", it was a coal-miner's delight. They use to call brown beans the "Miner's Strawberries". We wern't really very well off when I was Dad was a miner after serving time in the military and my Grandmother moved to her Mom's house and worked at Charleston General Hospital as a Nurse's Aide. She also later worked at the restaurant I was telling you about and would bring home all sorts of delights left over after the restaurant would close at night. She was our saving grace when I was small and I remember so many things she did for us. But I will save those for the blog. I just wanted to wish you a good day and am glad you liked the idea of the fried apple pies. I will make you guys fat in no time at all!! hahaha I like to cook, don't know much about keeping it too healthy, and we all enjoy our food. Need I say more? We are all rather portly but we are having to cut out the fried apple pies and stuff...I have heart disease (heriditary) and Jack is pre-diabetic...we have to watch it now and we are doing better health wise. But none-the-less, I'll post some of my granny's good cooking and you won't be sorry. There are ways to make them healthier...I'll include that too. So, you have a wonderful day, and I'm happy that you too have found your soul mate. I too never thought it would happen for me, in one sense of the word, but I knew later on that something good was about to spring forth from the earth. It isn't explainable, just as the human spirit is not explainable. it just is...and I am blessed, and so are both of you. You have found the true meaning of life...loving and being loved!

    Happy Life,
