Father of all life and all light, I come to your throne of Grace and kneel before you,
oh God of Heaven and Earth. To praise thy Holy Name and to give thanks with all my being for your gift of Eternal Live for all who may come.
"And the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come Lord Jesus."
I look out upon such beauty, such magnificence, that you have laid before me, and my heart rejoices in you my Savior. You have given me the desires of my heart, and a long and happy life. I have so many blessings from you and especially the free gift of the living water you offer to all men. You are the eternal well that is always full of the springs from the mountains. Cold and refreshing and life-giving.
You give us the gift of your light that enters into everyone who is born. The light of life in all it's abundance. We dine at your table and your presence flows out to all your people.
In the presence of my enemies, you lifted my soul and I walk with dignity and grace. I am restored by your life's blood and am resurrected to new and abundant life.
You bless me daily with thy Holy Presence and I fear not, for thou art with me.
Your fire and zeal for life empowers me an I am honored to serve thee for all my days.
The earth is new and fresh in it's beauty. I cannot fathom what Heaven will be. But I know someday I will see it and you will be my guide as you have been on earth.
I am growing old, but I am not ready to leave those I love. I have so much to relate to young minds and hearts and I have grown loved ones and a wonderful partner that shares my life. I have not given them all I have to give. I am not ready Lord...not yet.
You have given me life, true life, and I want to share my bounty with all who need an encouraging word.
Bless me with many more years kind and benevolent Father and I will serve, teach, create beauty, feed and nourish the souls in my care.
The Stairway to Heaven cannot be climbed in one day. It takes a life-time and I am only half way there.
I pray for a long and prosperous life, and one that is filled with opportunities to share wisdom and guidance and knowledge with those who will live after I am gone. But let not today, or tomorrow, be my time to go. You have given me a full heart and have restored me. I have too much to give to leave now.
So bestow long years upon me my Lord and walk with me all the while, through the green pastures and by the still waters of my soul.
I am whole once more. And I will follow you wherever you lead me.
Now I bid you stay a while with us and bless us all with the peace that passeth all understanding, and prosper us with your goodness all the days of our lives.
In Your Pure and Righteous Name,
Lord Jesus,
I Ask These Things,
Amen & Amen
Hey mama, just wanted to say I love you, and that I am happy that you have a faith that leaves you fulfilled and at peace. You deserve that. Love you lots!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nine! Maybe this isn't the best place to talk about God, but I consider this witnessing to others about the presence of God in our everyday moments. He is always there for us. Even when He is silent, He is still listening. I was happy to hear from you. My walk with God is very important to me. I sometimes feel like I bore people with my chatter, but I don't mean to offend or bore anyone. The Kids need lots of love and direction, and I want them to hear about God and to find the guidance they need when they have to make decisions. I wouldn't be Grandma if I didn't. I feel like if you know something as wonderful as the love of God, it is almost impossible not to talk about it. It is my mission. Thanks again honey.
The fact that you want to share something you find helpful and beautiful is great! And remember, this is YOUR blog. You talk about whatever you want to. You're not forcing anyone to read it and they are free to move along if they don't want to read it.