Hello everyone! Here's hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas and that the true meaning of the season was present in your day. It was in mine.
We had 9 people to celebrate with, including our 4 grandchildren that live here in San Diego. There were many gifts, and we had less money this year than usual, but we did some careful shopping and found bargans everywhere.
Then, when all is said and done and we are getting ready to celebrate the dawn of a New Year, hopefully we all make a few resolutions to live better next year. To lose weight is on my agenda, to paint more pictures, knit or crochet more blankets for the grandchildren, draw, read more, create good meals for all of us, help my family to lose weight by eating healthy, keep up with my health concerns, paint my home inside and out, write more poetry, keep up my blog's better, organize all my own personal things, and on and on it goes. I truly hope I have the energy to get these things done! I will be also trying to help my grandchildren that live here, and send gifts and letters and make more calls to the 3 grandchildren that live in Colorado.
The new year beckons, and we should all consider seriously the plans we make for our futures. The Universe is unfolding as it should whether we get onboard or not. It's easier to sit and watch TV or some other idle activity, rather than get busy with our own lives. It is also true that many of us work outside the home, and when we get home from our regular jobs, we have a million things to do before we tumble exhausted into our beds and try to catch the winks we need before we begin another day. I know. I worked for 28 years. But I have been retired for 15 years and I have had major health issues to deal with, and now I feel great, am getting my health issues all taken care of, and will try to keep up with all the things there are to do here at home.
I love trying new recipes, and creating heathy meals for my family. That includes my grandchidren that are here on Monday and Tuesday after school. The oldest is 13, the youngest is 4, and the 2 in the middle are ages 11 going on 12 in February, and one that just turned 10. They are so precious and need heathy food, so I try to feed them well-balanced food and help them in anyway I can to live good, and productive lives.
The new year holds a lot of promise. 365 brand new days to live and to hopefully improve ourselves and take better care of the world we have been intrusted with. For myself and my family, I pray for health and prosperity. For the world I pray for peace and that hunger be stamped out world-wide. If we think of ways to help out, I pray that we all do something to make the world a better place by the way we live our own lives.
This year is ending, and a new one beginning... Let's make an effort this year to make things better for as many as we possibly can. Every year is a chance to start over. This year, when you make your mental list of things you'd like to do, or write it down so you don't forget, determine in your heart to be a happier person and bring joy to the lives of your own loved ones, even if you can't do anything to help those who are in need outside of your own family. All life is sacred. The world is a beautiful place. Let's all make the effort to share our positive outlook for the future with everyone.
Peace is not something you wish for; it's something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
A Christmas Wish
This is the season of giving. There are so many homeless people who have no place to rest, nothing to eat but what they can find in a dumpster or a trash can. People who have no one to care, or provide any sort of sustenance to them. I have a fairly large family and even though part of us live in another state, we have love, good homes, food, clothing, and someone to care whether or not we enjoy the Holidays. How grateful and thankful I am. And for me, all these wonderful things are a direct gift from my Creator. How grateful I am, that one cold winter night a little child was born in a manger long ago. He had a Mother and a Father, the wise men bearing gifts, and the warm hay for a bed. No bright shining Christmas tree, no tinsel, no beautiful gifts wrapped with loving care. But He was the richest baby ever born because He had the love of His Heavenly Father, the stars of the universe for decorations, and the beautiful earth as His Christmas present.
Have you been to the stores lately to shop for Christmas? People crowded into narrow aisles to find gifts for their families? The pushing and shoving and all the hurry to buy the last item on the shelf for a loved one? I think maybe we have forgotten in our rush to purchase things, the true meaning of the season. Yes, I know, you've heard all this before, but it bears repeating. We have truly forgotten a little child's birthday. The Savior of the world had little in the way of material possessions. He didn't come for that. He didn't come to celebrate with twinkling lights, tinsel, and garland. He came for you and for me. To teach us, guide us, heal us, nurture us, and leave us a legacy that will last through all Eternity. He came to give us life and light and the abundant life. Life, abundant with His powerful love and His light. A light to light our way on this earthly path.
We have 7 grandchildren, 4 of whom live not far from us. One of them, a sweet, carefree child, always wants the biggest present, the biggest piece of chicken for dinner, the glass with the most soda, and the biggest candy bar. She is willing to share, of course, but it seemed to us she needed a little guidance. So, one year my daughter came up with what we thought would be an enlightenment for our little granddaughter. She found the biggest box she could find, wrapped it up in pretty paper with bows and ribbons just like all the rest. But inside, instead of a material present, there was a letter to her that we had her read outloud. It reminded her that the biggest box under the Christmas tree is not what matters. The size of the gift doesn't exactly mean it is the best. She read the letter, and this sheepish grin spread across her pretty little face. She made a comment something like this..."I think I've been taught a lesson!" Even a little child knew when something of real value had been given. A little light clicked on in this tiny little heart.
This year, we are having the grandchildren buy gifts for their brother or sister. Which ever name they drew out of a hat. The receiver of the gift, listed a few things they might want, not expensive, but nice. The one who drew the name, had to set aside part of the money they earn from working with their Nano and Nana to pay for it. This same little girl, has already bought the gift. The oldest granddaughter is selling her ipod to her uncle to get money to buy a gift. Our grandson always works with his Nano and he has been saving part of it for his gift. We are trying to instill in them that the true spirit of Christmas is in what you give. Not what you get. It's not the size of the box that matters!
This year we didn't spend as much money as we have in the past. Partly because our truck broke down and cost us a fortune to get it repaired. Then the brakes went out. But that's the reality of things. But instead of being bummed about the size of the Christmas, we are thankful for one another, and are finding rest from all the hurry and bustle of the season. We needed a wake-up call as well, because it's easy to get caught up in the things society calls "The Holidays".
So in all your hurry and bustle and wrapping and decorating, take a few minutes each day and remember the Christ Child and his humble beginnings. He came to give us life. Abundant life. A life full of love and mercy and giving. He gave us the biggest gift any Father could bestow upon his children, Eternal Life. And it wouldn't hurt to buy a gift for a homeless person. They're everywhere. You don't have to look far to find someone in need. Even a sandwich and a hot cup of coffee would be a wonderful gift. These people are hungry. Just try to remember someone in need and the feeling of compassion will be your gift from your Heavenly Father.
Father, forgive us for our selfish ways and our preoccupation with the biggest box under the Christmas Tree. Show us the true meaning of the Season and give us your gift of your love and your forgiveness for our shortsightedness. We are human, as you well know, and we get caught up in things that aren't as important as we think they are. Help us to teach our children the real meaning of Christmas. It's in the giving that we find true fulfillment. All of us have experienced that let-down feeling after all the toys and gifts are opened. Because it's not who get's the most, but who gives the most. Let us all be aware of your Holy Presence this year. Let us give to those in need, and make someone else's Christmas warm and fulfilling. We have so much. Teach us to be grateful for what we have and to share the bounty of your love as much as we possibly can.
Thank you Father for sending Jesus to light our way. Let us begin to come out of the darkness, and into the light of your love. Change our hearts and our intentions and remind us all of the gift you gave....Your life. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus. Thank you for my loved ones and our home and the promise that rings down through the ages,
"I will never leave you, nor forsake you!" This is my Christmas Present, and I want to share it with all who need to hear the story of your first Christmas and the promise it leaves to us all!
Have you been to the stores lately to shop for Christmas? People crowded into narrow aisles to find gifts for their families? The pushing and shoving and all the hurry to buy the last item on the shelf for a loved one? I think maybe we have forgotten in our rush to purchase things, the true meaning of the season. Yes, I know, you've heard all this before, but it bears repeating. We have truly forgotten a little child's birthday. The Savior of the world had little in the way of material possessions. He didn't come for that. He didn't come to celebrate with twinkling lights, tinsel, and garland. He came for you and for me. To teach us, guide us, heal us, nurture us, and leave us a legacy that will last through all Eternity. He came to give us life and light and the abundant life. Life, abundant with His powerful love and His light. A light to light our way on this earthly path.
We have 7 grandchildren, 4 of whom live not far from us. One of them, a sweet, carefree child, always wants the biggest present, the biggest piece of chicken for dinner, the glass with the most soda, and the biggest candy bar. She is willing to share, of course, but it seemed to us she needed a little guidance. So, one year my daughter came up with what we thought would be an enlightenment for our little granddaughter. She found the biggest box she could find, wrapped it up in pretty paper with bows and ribbons just like all the rest. But inside, instead of a material present, there was a letter to her that we had her read outloud. It reminded her that the biggest box under the Christmas tree is not what matters. The size of the gift doesn't exactly mean it is the best. She read the letter, and this sheepish grin spread across her pretty little face. She made a comment something like this..."I think I've been taught a lesson!" Even a little child knew when something of real value had been given. A little light clicked on in this tiny little heart.
This year, we are having the grandchildren buy gifts for their brother or sister. Which ever name they drew out of a hat. The receiver of the gift, listed a few things they might want, not expensive, but nice. The one who drew the name, had to set aside part of the money they earn from working with their Nano and Nana to pay for it. This same little girl, has already bought the gift. The oldest granddaughter is selling her ipod to her uncle to get money to buy a gift. Our grandson always works with his Nano and he has been saving part of it for his gift. We are trying to instill in them that the true spirit of Christmas is in what you give. Not what you get. It's not the size of the box that matters!
This year we didn't spend as much money as we have in the past. Partly because our truck broke down and cost us a fortune to get it repaired. Then the brakes went out. But that's the reality of things. But instead of being bummed about the size of the Christmas, we are thankful for one another, and are finding rest from all the hurry and bustle of the season. We needed a wake-up call as well, because it's easy to get caught up in the things society calls "The Holidays".
So in all your hurry and bustle and wrapping and decorating, take a few minutes each day and remember the Christ Child and his humble beginnings. He came to give us life. Abundant life. A life full of love and mercy and giving. He gave us the biggest gift any Father could bestow upon his children, Eternal Life. And it wouldn't hurt to buy a gift for a homeless person. They're everywhere. You don't have to look far to find someone in need. Even a sandwich and a hot cup of coffee would be a wonderful gift. These people are hungry. Just try to remember someone in need and the feeling of compassion will be your gift from your Heavenly Father.
Father, forgive us for our selfish ways and our preoccupation with the biggest box under the Christmas Tree. Show us the true meaning of the Season and give us your gift of your love and your forgiveness for our shortsightedness. We are human, as you well know, and we get caught up in things that aren't as important as we think they are. Help us to teach our children the real meaning of Christmas. It's in the giving that we find true fulfillment. All of us have experienced that let-down feeling after all the toys and gifts are opened. Because it's not who get's the most, but who gives the most. Let us all be aware of your Holy Presence this year. Let us give to those in need, and make someone else's Christmas warm and fulfilling. We have so much. Teach us to be grateful for what we have and to share the bounty of your love as much as we possibly can.
Thank you Father for sending Jesus to light our way. Let us begin to come out of the darkness, and into the light of your love. Change our hearts and our intentions and remind us all of the gift you gave....Your life. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus. Thank you for my loved ones and our home and the promise that rings down through the ages,
"I will never leave you, nor forsake you!" This is my Christmas Present, and I want to share it with all who need to hear the story of your first Christmas and the promise it leaves to us all!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
The Reason
Just the other day, my husband had to have a medical procedure done and while they were doing it, I had time to reflect on a lot of things. My husband is one wonderful person and that's something you just have to take my word for. Over the years he has spent a fortune on me, bought me beautiful things, helped me with problems, took over many aspects of my responsibilities, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Well, as I was thinking about all of this, I decided that I would make more of an effort on the home front, and clean things up a bit and take better care of the beautiful things he has provided for my enjoyment over the years.
So, yesterday I got busy and decided to attack my closet first. I pulled out 2 tubs of personal papers, poetry and reading material, and short stories I once wrote for children when I was a student at The Institute of Children's Literature. I found tears running down my face because these poems were written when I was around 28 years of age, and had just met Jack. He turned my whole world around and the happiness I found just being with him, was incredible. I would lie awake at night while he was sleeping and just be so happy and full of joy that I didn't want to close my eyes, for fear that it might all disappear while I was asleep and that I'd wakeup and find myself alone once again. But that didn't happen, and by the 1st month of knowing him, I couldn't have imagined what it would be like to ever be alone again.
I've always enjoyed writing, especially poetry, and the love my husband gave me, and the happiness we shared, had to be expressed. I found the poetry helped me to express the deeper aspects of my personality and it was a great outlet for me. This is one that I particularly like, and I want to share it with any readers that might stumble upon my House Mouse blog. I hope you find some meaning in it and if nothing else, just a little something to make you go "hmmmmm".
The Reason
There is a reason for everything,
a reason for snow,
a reason for spring.
A reason for water to run
a reason for lakes to lay
quiet and still.
A reason for joy and also
for pain,
a reason for sad hearts
to smile once again.
Sometimes the reasons are
harder to find, and often
there's not even the tiniest sign.
But even in wondering what
the reason might be,
for the things that happen to
you and to me,
We find not an answer
and so then we must
continue on blindly and
we learn how to trust,
A higher authority,
a bigger design,
and though we don't know it,
true reason we find!
For those of you who are having a hard time, and don't know the reason, sometimes the only thing you can do is just "keep on keeping on," and trust that the outcome will be something you never thought of. But then, my optimism knows no bounds. I try to always believe in a higher, more benevolent creator than people give him credit for. It's not always easy to understand why, but there truly is a reason, and as the years roll by, you find it. Always look for the rainbow....the promise of a new day, a better day, and perhaps you'll get lucky, like I did. My rainbow walks on 2 legs and gives me such love, that I too have found the reasons why I suffered for so many years. The rewards have been many. Keep looking.......
So, yesterday I got busy and decided to attack my closet first. I pulled out 2 tubs of personal papers, poetry and reading material, and short stories I once wrote for children when I was a student at The Institute of Children's Literature. I found tears running down my face because these poems were written when I was around 28 years of age, and had just met Jack. He turned my whole world around and the happiness I found just being with him, was incredible. I would lie awake at night while he was sleeping and just be so happy and full of joy that I didn't want to close my eyes, for fear that it might all disappear while I was asleep and that I'd wakeup and find myself alone once again. But that didn't happen, and by the 1st month of knowing him, I couldn't have imagined what it would be like to ever be alone again.
I've always enjoyed writing, especially poetry, and the love my husband gave me, and the happiness we shared, had to be expressed. I found the poetry helped me to express the deeper aspects of my personality and it was a great outlet for me. This is one that I particularly like, and I want to share it with any readers that might stumble upon my House Mouse blog. I hope you find some meaning in it and if nothing else, just a little something to make you go "hmmmmm".
The Reason
There is a reason for everything,
a reason for snow,
a reason for spring.
A reason for water to run
a reason for lakes to lay
quiet and still.
A reason for joy and also
for pain,
a reason for sad hearts
to smile once again.
Sometimes the reasons are
harder to find, and often
there's not even the tiniest sign.
But even in wondering what
the reason might be,
for the things that happen to
you and to me,
We find not an answer
and so then we must
continue on blindly and
we learn how to trust,
A higher authority,
a bigger design,
and though we don't know it,
true reason we find!
For those of you who are having a hard time, and don't know the reason, sometimes the only thing you can do is just "keep on keeping on," and trust that the outcome will be something you never thought of. But then, my optimism knows no bounds. I try to always believe in a higher, more benevolent creator than people give him credit for. It's not always easy to understand why, but there truly is a reason, and as the years roll by, you find it. Always look for the rainbow....the promise of a new day, a better day, and perhaps you'll get lucky, like I did. My rainbow walks on 2 legs and gives me such love, that I too have found the reasons why I suffered for so many years. The rewards have been many. Keep looking.......
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