Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Christmas Wish

This is the season of giving.  There are so many homeless people who have no place to rest, nothing to eat but what they can find in a dumpster or a trash can.  People who have no one to care, or provide any sort of sustenance to them.  I have a fairly large family and even though part of us live in another state, we have love, good homes, food, clothing, and someone to care whether or not we enjoy the Holidays.  How grateful and thankful I am.  And for me, all these wonderful things are a direct gift from my Creator.  How grateful I am, that one cold winter night a little child was born in a manger long ago.  He had a Mother and a Father, the wise men bearing gifts, and the warm hay for a bed.  No bright shining Christmas tree, no tinsel, no beautiful gifts wrapped with loving care.  But He was the richest baby ever born because He had the love of His Heavenly Father, the stars of the universe for decorations, and the beautiful earth as His Christmas present. 

Have you been to the stores lately to shop for Christmas?  People crowded into narrow aisles to find gifts for their families?  The pushing and shoving and all the hurry to buy the last item on the shelf for a loved one?  I think maybe we have forgotten in our rush to purchase things, the true meaning of the season.  Yes, I know, you've heard all this before, but it bears repeating.  We have truly forgotten a little child's birthday.  The Savior of the world had little in the way of material possessions.  He didn't come for that.  He didn't come to celebrate with twinkling lights, tinsel, and garland.  He came for you and for me. To teach us, guide us, heal us, nurture us, and leave us a legacy that will last through all Eternity.  He came to give us life and light and the abundant life.  Life, abundant with His powerful love and His light.  A light to light our way on this earthly path.

We have 7 grandchildren, 4 of whom live not far from us.  One of them, a sweet, carefree child, always wants the biggest present, the biggest piece of chicken for dinner, the glass with the most soda, and the biggest candy bar.  She is willing to share, of course, but it seemed to us she needed a little guidance.  So, one year my daughter came up with what we thought would be an enlightenment for our little granddaughter.  She found the biggest box she could find, wrapped it up in pretty paper with bows and ribbons just like all the rest.  But inside, instead of a material present, there was a letter to her that we had her read outloud.  It reminded her that the biggest box under the Christmas tree is not what matters.  The size of the gift doesn't exactly mean it is the best.  She read the letter, and this sheepish grin spread across her pretty little face.  She made a comment something like this..."I think I've been taught a lesson!"  Even a little child knew when something of real value had been given. A little light clicked on in this tiny little heart. 

This year, we are having the grandchildren buy gifts for their brother or sister.  Which ever name they drew out of a hat.  The receiver of the gift, listed a few things they might want, not expensive, but nice.  The one who drew the name, had to set aside part of the money they earn from working with their Nano and Nana to pay for it.  This same little girl, has already bought the gift.  The oldest granddaughter is selling her ipod to her uncle to get money to buy a gift.  Our grandson always works with his Nano and he has been saving part of it for his gift.  We are trying to instill in them that the true spirit of Christmas is in what you give.  Not what you get.  It's not the size of the box that matters!

This year we didn't spend as much money as we have in the past.  Partly because our truck broke down and cost us a fortune to get it repaired.  Then the brakes went out.  But that's the reality of things.  But instead of being bummed about the size of the Christmas, we are thankful for one another, and are finding rest from all the hurry and bustle of the season.  We needed a wake-up call as well, because it's easy to get caught up in the things society calls "The Holidays". 

So in all your hurry and bustle and wrapping and decorating, take a few minutes each day and remember the Christ Child and his humble beginnings.  He came to give us life.  Abundant life.  A life full of love and mercy and giving.  He gave us the biggest gift any Father could bestow upon his children, Eternal Life.  And it wouldn't hurt to buy a gift for a homeless person.  They're everywhere.  You don't have to look far to find someone in need.  Even a sandwich and a hot cup of coffee would be a wonderful gift.  These people are hungry.  Just try to remember someone in need and the feeling of compassion will be your gift from your Heavenly Father.

Father, forgive us for our selfish ways and our preoccupation with the biggest box under the Christmas Tree.  Show us the true meaning of the Season and give us your gift of your love and your forgiveness for our shortsightedness.  We are human, as you well know, and we get caught up in things that aren't as important as we think they are.  Help us to teach our children the real meaning of Christmas.  It's in the giving that we find true fulfillment.  All of us have experienced that let-down feeling after all the toys and gifts are opened.  Because it's not who get's the most, but who gives the most.  Let us all be aware of your Holy Presence this year.  Let us give to those in need, and make someone else's Christmas warm and fulfilling.  We have so much.  Teach us to be grateful for what we have and to share the bounty of your love as much as we possibly can.

Thank you Father for sending Jesus to light our way.  Let us begin to come out of the darkness, and into the light of your love.  Change our hearts and our intentions and remind us all of the gift you gave....Your life.  Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus.  Thank you for my loved ones and our home and the promise that rings down through the ages,
"I will never leave you, nor forsake you!"  This is my Christmas Present, and I want to share it with all who need to hear the story of your first Christmas and the promise it leaves to us all! 


  1. True as gospel, and a good reminder for all of us. It's odd, though, isn't it, that almost anyone you talk to will echo these sentiments, but it's a lot harder to find someone actually living them. I guess that's just a sign of the broader fact that everyone finds it a lot easier to have a philosophy than to live by one.

    Anyway, a profound statement, and if it opens one person's eyes, then it was well worth the doing...

  2. Thank you honey. This is my way of "keeping Christmas" and my way of sharing this holiest of seasons with the world. Not that the world read my tiny blog, but if they should, I don't want to be found lacking. The truth is the truth. If it were to offend someone, I'd question what their faith tells them is the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus didn't come to offend. He came for love. And that's the greatest Christmas gift of all. I thank Him especially for you and the children. With all of you I received the love I have always needed and you see the results of all that love. I am happy and at peace and I am blessed beyond all measure to have all of you! Merry Christmas Sweetheart and thank you all for all the love and warmth and grandchildren to love. Merry Christmas to everyone!

  3. It's sad when the dueling top stories on the news are the record payouts to CEO's (the top earner took in 145 million....THIS YEAR) and the record number of people "barely getting by," (complete with a photo of a man sitting on the sidewalk with his backpack). I guess being homeless now counts as "getting by"? What kind of world is this?

    By trying to teach the kids something better, something about compassion and giving to others, I think we get a gift as well. Being reminded of all we have and really feeling grateful and appreciative for our blessings is incredibly peaceful and fulfilling. Dad is right, it's so easy to talk about it over the solid gold's a lot harder to live it.

    The word of the day should be NECESSITY until we all understand what it REALLY means...

    A lovely sentiment, thank you for sharing your gift with others!

  4. Thank you sweetheart. I have found the greatest treasure in the world, peace. I have always been a peacemaker, it's a gift given by the Lord of all Light. I am delighted to share what I have with the world, and that is my destiny. To bring peace to whatever situation that needs it. I'm not perfect. But my instructor is and I will tell His story all my life. I am glad to share what I have. I hope you enjoyed it.
    Love, Mom

  5. I love your posting and could not agree with you more. Things have been rough for us to say the least. I dont feel poor though, I am rich. I have a wife and three kids here in pueblo who love me. I have a family in San Diego who love me. I have a lord who wants to keep me in heaven with him forever. I am trully blessed. I love you Mom and I miss you.

  6. I am happy to see you here and to know that my thought's inspire you to see how richly you are blessed. God is very generous with His love and blessings and every day is a new chance to begin again and to be our best selves. There is a post on Across the Years for the grandchildren. A lot of what I told them is because of the situation these 4 are in. But it is for all the grandchildren. You can read it first and see if it is ok to read to your children, although your children probably don't exist on fast food, pizza, and candy. You and Lori have kept your children safe from the world, or so it seems to me. Here, these 4 children need help in establishing good eating habits and in living a productive and well-ordered life. If you feel that the post is not appropriate for your children, that's fine. I meant it for all 7 of them because I would go to the ends of the earth for all of them. The postings on Across the Years from the very beginning, is a post about my life, from my young years, to the present. Now and then I take a break and address the grandchildren on my thoughts and wishes for them. That's what I did on the current post. Ok, I'll let you go now and I will be in touch. Have fun shopping!
    Love, Mom

  7. Merry Christmas to all my blogfriends old and new, everyone you follow, and those who follow you. May the coming year bring health, comfort, happiness, and more fun than you thought was possible! Looking forward to many more pleasant exchanges, I remain your humble servant,

    - Jack "The Hammer" Tyler

  8. Merry Christmas Mama, I love you!

  9. Good Morning to all! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and not TOO much to eat! haha I had one of the most rewarding Christmases ever and enjoyed making food for my wonderful family and opening gifts from the ones I love the most! Thank you all for a wonderful Christmas and to Anna, Maddy, and Little Man, I hope you got the gifts you most wanted! I will call later today to see how eveyone did and to say I love you and wish you a very Happy New Year!

    Love to you all,
