Hello everyone! Here's hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas and that the true meaning of the season was present in your day. It was in mine.
We had 9 people to celebrate with, including our 4 grandchildren that live here in San Diego. There were many gifts, and we had less money this year than usual, but we did some careful shopping and found bargans everywhere.
Then, when all is said and done and we are getting ready to celebrate the dawn of a New Year, hopefully we all make a few resolutions to live better next year. To lose weight is on my agenda, to paint more pictures, knit or crochet more blankets for the grandchildren, draw, read more, create good meals for all of us, help my family to lose weight by eating healthy, keep up with my health concerns, paint my home inside and out, write more poetry, keep up my blog's better, organize all my own personal things, and on and on it goes. I truly hope I have the energy to get these things done! I will be also trying to help my grandchildren that live here, and send gifts and letters and make more calls to the 3 grandchildren that live in Colorado.
The new year beckons, and we should all consider seriously the plans we make for our futures. The Universe is unfolding as it should whether we get onboard or not. It's easier to sit and watch TV or some other idle activity, rather than get busy with our own lives. It is also true that many of us work outside the home, and when we get home from our regular jobs, we have a million things to do before we tumble exhausted into our beds and try to catch the winks we need before we begin another day. I know. I worked for 28 years. But I have been retired for 15 years and I have had major health issues to deal with, and now I feel great, am getting my health issues all taken care of, and will try to keep up with all the things there are to do here at home.
I love trying new recipes, and creating heathy meals for my family. That includes my grandchidren that are here on Monday and Tuesday after school. The oldest is 13, the youngest is 4, and the 2 in the middle are ages 11 going on 12 in February, and one that just turned 10. They are so precious and need heathy food, so I try to feed them well-balanced food and help them in anyway I can to live good, and productive lives.
The new year holds a lot of promise. 365 brand new days to live and to hopefully improve ourselves and take better care of the world we have been intrusted with. For myself and my family, I pray for health and prosperity. For the world I pray for peace and that hunger be stamped out world-wide. If we think of ways to help out, I pray that we all do something to make the world a better place by the way we live our own lives.
This year is ending, and a new one beginning... Let's make an effort this year to make things better for as many as we possibly can. Every year is a chance to start over. This year, when you make your mental list of things you'd like to do, or write it down so you don't forget, determine in your heart to be a happier person and bring joy to the lives of your own loved ones, even if you can't do anything to help those who are in need outside of your own family. All life is sacred. The world is a beautiful place. Let's all make the effort to share our positive outlook for the future with everyone.
Peace is not something you wish for; it's something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
A Christmas Wish
This is the season of giving. There are so many homeless people who have no place to rest, nothing to eat but what they can find in a dumpster or a trash can. People who have no one to care, or provide any sort of sustenance to them. I have a fairly large family and even though part of us live in another state, we have love, good homes, food, clothing, and someone to care whether or not we enjoy the Holidays. How grateful and thankful I am. And for me, all these wonderful things are a direct gift from my Creator. How grateful I am, that one cold winter night a little child was born in a manger long ago. He had a Mother and a Father, the wise men bearing gifts, and the warm hay for a bed. No bright shining Christmas tree, no tinsel, no beautiful gifts wrapped with loving care. But He was the richest baby ever born because He had the love of His Heavenly Father, the stars of the universe for decorations, and the beautiful earth as His Christmas present.
Have you been to the stores lately to shop for Christmas? People crowded into narrow aisles to find gifts for their families? The pushing and shoving and all the hurry to buy the last item on the shelf for a loved one? I think maybe we have forgotten in our rush to purchase things, the true meaning of the season. Yes, I know, you've heard all this before, but it bears repeating. We have truly forgotten a little child's birthday. The Savior of the world had little in the way of material possessions. He didn't come for that. He didn't come to celebrate with twinkling lights, tinsel, and garland. He came for you and for me. To teach us, guide us, heal us, nurture us, and leave us a legacy that will last through all Eternity. He came to give us life and light and the abundant life. Life, abundant with His powerful love and His light. A light to light our way on this earthly path.
We have 7 grandchildren, 4 of whom live not far from us. One of them, a sweet, carefree child, always wants the biggest present, the biggest piece of chicken for dinner, the glass with the most soda, and the biggest candy bar. She is willing to share, of course, but it seemed to us she needed a little guidance. So, one year my daughter came up with what we thought would be an enlightenment for our little granddaughter. She found the biggest box she could find, wrapped it up in pretty paper with bows and ribbons just like all the rest. But inside, instead of a material present, there was a letter to her that we had her read outloud. It reminded her that the biggest box under the Christmas tree is not what matters. The size of the gift doesn't exactly mean it is the best. She read the letter, and this sheepish grin spread across her pretty little face. She made a comment something like this..."I think I've been taught a lesson!" Even a little child knew when something of real value had been given. A little light clicked on in this tiny little heart.
This year, we are having the grandchildren buy gifts for their brother or sister. Which ever name they drew out of a hat. The receiver of the gift, listed a few things they might want, not expensive, but nice. The one who drew the name, had to set aside part of the money they earn from working with their Nano and Nana to pay for it. This same little girl, has already bought the gift. The oldest granddaughter is selling her ipod to her uncle to get money to buy a gift. Our grandson always works with his Nano and he has been saving part of it for his gift. We are trying to instill in them that the true spirit of Christmas is in what you give. Not what you get. It's not the size of the box that matters!
This year we didn't spend as much money as we have in the past. Partly because our truck broke down and cost us a fortune to get it repaired. Then the brakes went out. But that's the reality of things. But instead of being bummed about the size of the Christmas, we are thankful for one another, and are finding rest from all the hurry and bustle of the season. We needed a wake-up call as well, because it's easy to get caught up in the things society calls "The Holidays".
So in all your hurry and bustle and wrapping and decorating, take a few minutes each day and remember the Christ Child and his humble beginnings. He came to give us life. Abundant life. A life full of love and mercy and giving. He gave us the biggest gift any Father could bestow upon his children, Eternal Life. And it wouldn't hurt to buy a gift for a homeless person. They're everywhere. You don't have to look far to find someone in need. Even a sandwich and a hot cup of coffee would be a wonderful gift. These people are hungry. Just try to remember someone in need and the feeling of compassion will be your gift from your Heavenly Father.
Father, forgive us for our selfish ways and our preoccupation with the biggest box under the Christmas Tree. Show us the true meaning of the Season and give us your gift of your love and your forgiveness for our shortsightedness. We are human, as you well know, and we get caught up in things that aren't as important as we think they are. Help us to teach our children the real meaning of Christmas. It's in the giving that we find true fulfillment. All of us have experienced that let-down feeling after all the toys and gifts are opened. Because it's not who get's the most, but who gives the most. Let us all be aware of your Holy Presence this year. Let us give to those in need, and make someone else's Christmas warm and fulfilling. We have so much. Teach us to be grateful for what we have and to share the bounty of your love as much as we possibly can.
Thank you Father for sending Jesus to light our way. Let us begin to come out of the darkness, and into the light of your love. Change our hearts and our intentions and remind us all of the gift you gave....Your life. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus. Thank you for my loved ones and our home and the promise that rings down through the ages,
"I will never leave you, nor forsake you!" This is my Christmas Present, and I want to share it with all who need to hear the story of your first Christmas and the promise it leaves to us all!
Have you been to the stores lately to shop for Christmas? People crowded into narrow aisles to find gifts for their families? The pushing and shoving and all the hurry to buy the last item on the shelf for a loved one? I think maybe we have forgotten in our rush to purchase things, the true meaning of the season. Yes, I know, you've heard all this before, but it bears repeating. We have truly forgotten a little child's birthday. The Savior of the world had little in the way of material possessions. He didn't come for that. He didn't come to celebrate with twinkling lights, tinsel, and garland. He came for you and for me. To teach us, guide us, heal us, nurture us, and leave us a legacy that will last through all Eternity. He came to give us life and light and the abundant life. Life, abundant with His powerful love and His light. A light to light our way on this earthly path.
We have 7 grandchildren, 4 of whom live not far from us. One of them, a sweet, carefree child, always wants the biggest present, the biggest piece of chicken for dinner, the glass with the most soda, and the biggest candy bar. She is willing to share, of course, but it seemed to us she needed a little guidance. So, one year my daughter came up with what we thought would be an enlightenment for our little granddaughter. She found the biggest box she could find, wrapped it up in pretty paper with bows and ribbons just like all the rest. But inside, instead of a material present, there was a letter to her that we had her read outloud. It reminded her that the biggest box under the Christmas tree is not what matters. The size of the gift doesn't exactly mean it is the best. She read the letter, and this sheepish grin spread across her pretty little face. She made a comment something like this..."I think I've been taught a lesson!" Even a little child knew when something of real value had been given. A little light clicked on in this tiny little heart.
This year, we are having the grandchildren buy gifts for their brother or sister. Which ever name they drew out of a hat. The receiver of the gift, listed a few things they might want, not expensive, but nice. The one who drew the name, had to set aside part of the money they earn from working with their Nano and Nana to pay for it. This same little girl, has already bought the gift. The oldest granddaughter is selling her ipod to her uncle to get money to buy a gift. Our grandson always works with his Nano and he has been saving part of it for his gift. We are trying to instill in them that the true spirit of Christmas is in what you give. Not what you get. It's not the size of the box that matters!
This year we didn't spend as much money as we have in the past. Partly because our truck broke down and cost us a fortune to get it repaired. Then the brakes went out. But that's the reality of things. But instead of being bummed about the size of the Christmas, we are thankful for one another, and are finding rest from all the hurry and bustle of the season. We needed a wake-up call as well, because it's easy to get caught up in the things society calls "The Holidays".
So in all your hurry and bustle and wrapping and decorating, take a few minutes each day and remember the Christ Child and his humble beginnings. He came to give us life. Abundant life. A life full of love and mercy and giving. He gave us the biggest gift any Father could bestow upon his children, Eternal Life. And it wouldn't hurt to buy a gift for a homeless person. They're everywhere. You don't have to look far to find someone in need. Even a sandwich and a hot cup of coffee would be a wonderful gift. These people are hungry. Just try to remember someone in need and the feeling of compassion will be your gift from your Heavenly Father.
Father, forgive us for our selfish ways and our preoccupation with the biggest box under the Christmas Tree. Show us the true meaning of the Season and give us your gift of your love and your forgiveness for our shortsightedness. We are human, as you well know, and we get caught up in things that aren't as important as we think they are. Help us to teach our children the real meaning of Christmas. It's in the giving that we find true fulfillment. All of us have experienced that let-down feeling after all the toys and gifts are opened. Because it's not who get's the most, but who gives the most. Let us all be aware of your Holy Presence this year. Let us give to those in need, and make someone else's Christmas warm and fulfilling. We have so much. Teach us to be grateful for what we have and to share the bounty of your love as much as we possibly can.
Thank you Father for sending Jesus to light our way. Let us begin to come out of the darkness, and into the light of your love. Change our hearts and our intentions and remind us all of the gift you gave....Your life. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus. Thank you for my loved ones and our home and the promise that rings down through the ages,
"I will never leave you, nor forsake you!" This is my Christmas Present, and I want to share it with all who need to hear the story of your first Christmas and the promise it leaves to us all!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
The Reason
Just the other day, my husband had to have a medical procedure done and while they were doing it, I had time to reflect on a lot of things. My husband is one wonderful person and that's something you just have to take my word for. Over the years he has spent a fortune on me, bought me beautiful things, helped me with problems, took over many aspects of my responsibilities, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Well, as I was thinking about all of this, I decided that I would make more of an effort on the home front, and clean things up a bit and take better care of the beautiful things he has provided for my enjoyment over the years.
So, yesterday I got busy and decided to attack my closet first. I pulled out 2 tubs of personal papers, poetry and reading material, and short stories I once wrote for children when I was a student at The Institute of Children's Literature. I found tears running down my face because these poems were written when I was around 28 years of age, and had just met Jack. He turned my whole world around and the happiness I found just being with him, was incredible. I would lie awake at night while he was sleeping and just be so happy and full of joy that I didn't want to close my eyes, for fear that it might all disappear while I was asleep and that I'd wakeup and find myself alone once again. But that didn't happen, and by the 1st month of knowing him, I couldn't have imagined what it would be like to ever be alone again.
I've always enjoyed writing, especially poetry, and the love my husband gave me, and the happiness we shared, had to be expressed. I found the poetry helped me to express the deeper aspects of my personality and it was a great outlet for me. This is one that I particularly like, and I want to share it with any readers that might stumble upon my House Mouse blog. I hope you find some meaning in it and if nothing else, just a little something to make you go "hmmmmm".
The Reason
There is a reason for everything,
a reason for snow,
a reason for spring.
A reason for water to run
a reason for lakes to lay
quiet and still.
A reason for joy and also
for pain,
a reason for sad hearts
to smile once again.
Sometimes the reasons are
harder to find, and often
there's not even the tiniest sign.
But even in wondering what
the reason might be,
for the things that happen to
you and to me,
We find not an answer
and so then we must
continue on blindly and
we learn how to trust,
A higher authority,
a bigger design,
and though we don't know it,
true reason we find!
For those of you who are having a hard time, and don't know the reason, sometimes the only thing you can do is just "keep on keeping on," and trust that the outcome will be something you never thought of. But then, my optimism knows no bounds. I try to always believe in a higher, more benevolent creator than people give him credit for. It's not always easy to understand why, but there truly is a reason, and as the years roll by, you find it. Always look for the rainbow....the promise of a new day, a better day, and perhaps you'll get lucky, like I did. My rainbow walks on 2 legs and gives me such love, that I too have found the reasons why I suffered for so many years. The rewards have been many. Keep looking.......
So, yesterday I got busy and decided to attack my closet first. I pulled out 2 tubs of personal papers, poetry and reading material, and short stories I once wrote for children when I was a student at The Institute of Children's Literature. I found tears running down my face because these poems were written when I was around 28 years of age, and had just met Jack. He turned my whole world around and the happiness I found just being with him, was incredible. I would lie awake at night while he was sleeping and just be so happy and full of joy that I didn't want to close my eyes, for fear that it might all disappear while I was asleep and that I'd wakeup and find myself alone once again. But that didn't happen, and by the 1st month of knowing him, I couldn't have imagined what it would be like to ever be alone again.
I've always enjoyed writing, especially poetry, and the love my husband gave me, and the happiness we shared, had to be expressed. I found the poetry helped me to express the deeper aspects of my personality and it was a great outlet for me. This is one that I particularly like, and I want to share it with any readers that might stumble upon my House Mouse blog. I hope you find some meaning in it and if nothing else, just a little something to make you go "hmmmmm".
The Reason
There is a reason for everything,
a reason for snow,
a reason for spring.
A reason for water to run
a reason for lakes to lay
quiet and still.
A reason for joy and also
for pain,
a reason for sad hearts
to smile once again.
Sometimes the reasons are
harder to find, and often
there's not even the tiniest sign.
But even in wondering what
the reason might be,
for the things that happen to
you and to me,
We find not an answer
and so then we must
continue on blindly and
we learn how to trust,
A higher authority,
a bigger design,
and though we don't know it,
true reason we find!
For those of you who are having a hard time, and don't know the reason, sometimes the only thing you can do is just "keep on keeping on," and trust that the outcome will be something you never thought of. But then, my optimism knows no bounds. I try to always believe in a higher, more benevolent creator than people give him credit for. It's not always easy to understand why, but there truly is a reason, and as the years roll by, you find it. Always look for the rainbow....the promise of a new day, a better day, and perhaps you'll get lucky, like I did. My rainbow walks on 2 legs and gives me such love, that I too have found the reasons why I suffered for so many years. The rewards have been many. Keep looking.......
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Walking With Christ
Father of all life and all light, I come to your throne of Grace and kneel before you,
oh God of Heaven and Earth. To praise thy Holy Name and to give thanks with all my being for your gift of Eternal Live for all who may come.
"And the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come Lord Jesus."
I look out upon such beauty, such magnificence, that you have laid before me, and my heart rejoices in you my Savior. You have given me the desires of my heart, and a long and happy life. I have so many blessings from you and especially the free gift of the living water you offer to all men. You are the eternal well that is always full of the springs from the mountains. Cold and refreshing and life-giving.
You give us the gift of your light that enters into everyone who is born. The light of life in all it's abundance. We dine at your table and your presence flows out to all your people.
In the presence of my enemies, you lifted my soul and I walk with dignity and grace. I am restored by your life's blood and am resurrected to new and abundant life.
You bless me daily with thy Holy Presence and I fear not, for thou art with me.
Your fire and zeal for life empowers me an I am honored to serve thee for all my days.
The earth is new and fresh in it's beauty. I cannot fathom what Heaven will be. But I know someday I will see it and you will be my guide as you have been on earth.
I am growing old, but I am not ready to leave those I love. I have so much to relate to young minds and hearts and I have grown loved ones and a wonderful partner that shares my life. I have not given them all I have to give. I am not ready Lord...not yet.
You have given me life, true life, and I want to share my bounty with all who need an encouraging word.
Bless me with many more years kind and benevolent Father and I will serve, teach, create beauty, feed and nourish the souls in my care.
The Stairway to Heaven cannot be climbed in one day. It takes a life-time and I am only half way there.
I pray for a long and prosperous life, and one that is filled with opportunities to share wisdom and guidance and knowledge with those who will live after I am gone. But let not today, or tomorrow, be my time to go. You have given me a full heart and have restored me. I have too much to give to leave now.
So bestow long years upon me my Lord and walk with me all the while, through the green pastures and by the still waters of my soul.
I am whole once more. And I will follow you wherever you lead me.
Now I bid you stay a while with us and bless us all with the peace that passeth all understanding, and prosper us with your goodness all the days of our lives.
In Your Pure and Righteous Name,
Lord Jesus,
I Ask These Things,
Amen & Amen
oh God of Heaven and Earth. To praise thy Holy Name and to give thanks with all my being for your gift of Eternal Live for all who may come.
"And the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come Lord Jesus."
I look out upon such beauty, such magnificence, that you have laid before me, and my heart rejoices in you my Savior. You have given me the desires of my heart, and a long and happy life. I have so many blessings from you and especially the free gift of the living water you offer to all men. You are the eternal well that is always full of the springs from the mountains. Cold and refreshing and life-giving.
You give us the gift of your light that enters into everyone who is born. The light of life in all it's abundance. We dine at your table and your presence flows out to all your people.
In the presence of my enemies, you lifted my soul and I walk with dignity and grace. I am restored by your life's blood and am resurrected to new and abundant life.
You bless me daily with thy Holy Presence and I fear not, for thou art with me.
Your fire and zeal for life empowers me an I am honored to serve thee for all my days.
The earth is new and fresh in it's beauty. I cannot fathom what Heaven will be. But I know someday I will see it and you will be my guide as you have been on earth.
I am growing old, but I am not ready to leave those I love. I have so much to relate to young minds and hearts and I have grown loved ones and a wonderful partner that shares my life. I have not given them all I have to give. I am not ready Lord...not yet.
You have given me life, true life, and I want to share my bounty with all who need an encouraging word.
Bless me with many more years kind and benevolent Father and I will serve, teach, create beauty, feed and nourish the souls in my care.
The Stairway to Heaven cannot be climbed in one day. It takes a life-time and I am only half way there.
I pray for a long and prosperous life, and one that is filled with opportunities to share wisdom and guidance and knowledge with those who will live after I am gone. But let not today, or tomorrow, be my time to go. You have given me a full heart and have restored me. I have too much to give to leave now.
So bestow long years upon me my Lord and walk with me all the while, through the green pastures and by the still waters of my soul.
I am whole once more. And I will follow you wherever you lead me.
Now I bid you stay a while with us and bless us all with the peace that passeth all understanding, and prosper us with your goodness all the days of our lives.
In Your Pure and Righteous Name,
Lord Jesus,
I Ask These Things,
Amen & Amen
Friday, November 18, 2011
I Am
I have been away from the city for fifteen years. I don't remember the exact day I found Tao. But I must cultivate it every day and build upon the peace and purpose it brings. Those around me may not be kind to one another, but "I" must remain peaceful and centered.
I cannot be helpful if I allow myself to be drawn into the fray. I am a vessel for light. I long for the fullness of Tao. To be forever growing and flowing with Tao.
My teacher no longer directs me. I must find the wonders of Tao on my own and make it mine. The Tao is for everyone. Much wisdom and grace await the true seeker. I will stand fast in the center and not be drawn into the maelstrom that the world presents.
Forgiveness is the key. To cultivate kindness bring it's own rewards. "May all be kind to each other." The Buddha waits. The Buddha loves and is patient and kind. All are Buddha. Enlightenment is for all. All may receive the light.
Be Buddha. Be Tao. Find the "I am" in yourself.
I cannot be helpful if I allow myself to be drawn into the fray. I am a vessel for light. I long for the fullness of Tao. To be forever growing and flowing with Tao.
My teacher no longer directs me. I must find the wonders of Tao on my own and make it mine. The Tao is for everyone. Much wisdom and grace await the true seeker. I will stand fast in the center and not be drawn into the maelstrom that the world presents.
Forgiveness is the key. To cultivate kindness bring it's own rewards. "May all be kind to each other." The Buddha waits. The Buddha loves and is patient and kind. All are Buddha. Enlightenment is for all. All may receive the light.
Be Buddha. Be Tao. Find the "I am" in yourself.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Stillness. Withdrawal from the world. Peace is mine. For years I dealt with the red dust. Now I am free. My home is my refuge. Away from the tribulatios of every day out in the world, my mind is still. The beauty of nature is one of my delights. Another is a steaming cup of hot tea served in my favorite cup. The face of my grandchild, deep asleep. The love of my family. A bountiful meal prepared with love. My home...a refuge from the elements.
My rose garden, planted by my husband with love and labor. Pictures of
loved ones from years gone by. My comfortable, warm bed where I rest
after the labor of the day. This pen and paper that help me to record my reflections on a life well-lived and the blessings of stillness. The gift of perfect sight after years of poor vision. The skilled hands of the surgeon who removed the diseased lenses from my eyes and replaced them with new lenses, allowing me to see as I've never before seen.
The smiles of our children, grown now, and finding their way. The love of God, shining down from the heavens. The Tao, my roadmap through
life. Wisdom. My treasure, after years of learning and study.
Everything I see is full of wonder. The autumn colors of nature. The storm clouds of winter, bringing rain and wind. The fresh air after a rain-storm. The smell of fresh coffee after a good nights sleep. The sweet innocence of a new-born. The moon shining through dark clouds. The stars on a clear night. The rising of the sun. My husbands blue eyes and loving embrace. The labors and love of my daughter who does so much for me.
Our grandchildren, our sons' creations of love. Life returning new life that will continue after we are gone. The return to spirit after our journey on earth. All things have a purpose. All life is sacred. Everything is beautiful to the eyes that see with love.
My soul is at peace after years of medication and therapy. Now, rest,
reflection, prayer and meditation take the place of pain and rejection
of the past. Life is full of love. I created children with the man I love.
He has given selflessly for years, and continues to give every day.
My life is full of love and peace. I can create beauty in all I do if I act
from love. Pure love is the presence of God. God is love and peace forevermore.
I rest in God.
My rose garden, planted by my husband with love and labor. Pictures of
loved ones from years gone by. My comfortable, warm bed where I rest
after the labor of the day. This pen and paper that help me to record my reflections on a life well-lived and the blessings of stillness. The gift of perfect sight after years of poor vision. The skilled hands of the surgeon who removed the diseased lenses from my eyes and replaced them with new lenses, allowing me to see as I've never before seen.
The smiles of our children, grown now, and finding their way. The love of God, shining down from the heavens. The Tao, my roadmap through
life. Wisdom. My treasure, after years of learning and study.
Everything I see is full of wonder. The autumn colors of nature. The storm clouds of winter, bringing rain and wind. The fresh air after a rain-storm. The smell of fresh coffee after a good nights sleep. The sweet innocence of a new-born. The moon shining through dark clouds. The stars on a clear night. The rising of the sun. My husbands blue eyes and loving embrace. The labors and love of my daughter who does so much for me.
Our grandchildren, our sons' creations of love. Life returning new life that will continue after we are gone. The return to spirit after our journey on earth. All things have a purpose. All life is sacred. Everything is beautiful to the eyes that see with love.
My soul is at peace after years of medication and therapy. Now, rest,
reflection, prayer and meditation take the place of pain and rejection
of the past. Life is full of love. I created children with the man I love.
He has given selflessly for years, and continues to give every day.
My life is full of love and peace. I can create beauty in all I do if I act
from love. Pure love is the presence of God. God is love and peace forevermore.
I rest in God.
Monday, August 15, 2011
A Lifetime of Love
When I was 28, I worked for the Government at NAS North Island. I had worked there from the age of 21. I had had my share of problems with my health and had been off work off and on for the last 2 years when I met Jack. He came to work in our office in February or March of 1975 and when I first saw him I thought he was from the Data Processing Department and was there to give us an update on our computers or something of that nature. Then I found out he was going to work there. I was never introduced to him, and I had a hard time just keeping my boss happy, so I went about my job in the usual way. Then one day, my friend Linda whispered to me that she thought the new guy liked me. I asked her what gave her that idea, and she said that he was always watching me and smiling when I wasn't looking. I was surprised to say the least. Then one day we started talking and the lunch wagon showed up. I started to go outside to get lunch and he threw his coat over my head. I took it off and started to hand it back to him and he said "It's raining". That was the first thing that got my attention. Working at the warehouse with all those men, I am sure no one else had ever given a second thought to me getting rained on and couldn't have cared less. I began talking to him more, and he gave me advice on how to handle the work load that was always dumped on me. I had worked there for quite a while but I had never heard the things he was telling me, and I began to put them into practice. It was fun! I was able to get their goat instead of them always dumping the work on me and harrassing me to hurry up and get it done!
That was the beginning of our relationship. He helped me tremendously, and one day he gave me his phone number to call him if I wanted to talk. One Friday evening after I got to my apartment after work, I thought to myself, why sit here all alone. . .I think I'll call Jack and see if I can go visit him for a while. He said yes and gave me instructions on how to get to his place and I went on over to see him. When I got there, he was doing dishes and listening to Led Zepplin. He invited me in and we listened to the music and sat on the floor and talked for hours. When I got ready to go home, he walked me to my car and touched my shoulder and said, "Sometimes all you need is a friend". And what a friend he has been all these years!
We started going out and hanging around together all the time at work and after work and in July he asked me to move in. On the 16th of July, he said we should get married and have a baby! I was shocked because I had felt too old to ever meet anyone, fall in love or have children. I thought life had passed me by. I went in after break and told Linda what had happened. I cried in the women's bathroom and they were tears of happiness and surprise.
He posted our engagement in the paper and we went to his Mom's house to tell her about it. We had a small celebration party and I was the happiest girl in the world. I was having so much fun and he took me to places I didn't know existed. One night he asked me if I wanted to go see KISS and I said yes, not knowing a thing about them. I had the time of my life and couldn't take my eyes off them. I stood up for the whole concert and had the time of my life! On the way home it was all I talked about. I think he sort of smiled knowing I was a country bumpkin who had never seen anything like that! We always had fun together and we didn't particularly care if other people liked it or not!
In December on my birthday, the 24th, we tied the knot at my parent's house in Chula Vista. It was a beautiful day, hot, sunny and so still. Like all the world was watching. Then we left to begin our lives together, and that night we went for a drive and everything was decorated for Christmas and it seemed like it was all to celebrate our union. I was then, and am now, one of the happiest people on the planet. He has been such a blessing to me. He has been there through a difficult birth and raising 3 kids while we both worked. He has been there through medical problems, the death of my parents and grandmother, and through many financial problems, and personal problems. He is right now working at a job he's not particularly happy with, so I can be retired. He always puts me first, always loves me, always gives his all and today we have 3 grown children, 7 grandchildren, a home that's really a home. We have given our all to each other and even though we don't have a huge bank account or live in a mansion, we have the strong love and support of a loving family and each other.
I have had problems that would have driven most men away, but not Jack. He stays and gives his support, love and devotion and helps me every day to celebrate a life that was a gift from God. I love this man more every day if that's possible, and I know in the great beyond, we will still be loving one another and sharing what God has planned for us until that day arrives when we say goodnight for a short while. But we will be reunited in the great beyond and I just want the world to know what a lucky lady I am and how devoted I am to this wonderful person. He has always made me feel young and today I hae to say I still feel young even though I am 64.
Thank you Jack for all you have done for me. I love everything about you and I love the life we have together. I will love you for all eternity and look back over the years with a full heart and a mind that is at peace forever more. That poem I wrote asking life not to pass me by, well you are the direct answer to that call from my heart to life itself. You are the answer to all my dreams and hopes and you have always been a friend to me even in the darkest hours of my life. I don't think anyone else could have done for me what you have done, and I hope the love I have for you fills your heart to overflowing and you can forget about the loneliness and isolation you knew as a child and even the despair and discouragement you found in life before you met me. I hope I have replaced all those memories with love in abundance. We all love you, me most of all and I wish for you all the happiness and fulfillment you need in life. You deserve all the good things that life has to give, and our family is my gift to you too, as well as from you to me. We were meant to be together and I am glad you see me through the eyes of love. That is the only true picture of a person. . .when seen with the heart and the eyes of love, everyone is beautiful and important. All life is sacred as you taught me. And you have shown me through all the years how sacred you hold my life. Thank you my darlin' for showing me life in all it's beauty, and for sharing your life with me.
Love you forever,
That was the beginning of our relationship. He helped me tremendously, and one day he gave me his phone number to call him if I wanted to talk. One Friday evening after I got to my apartment after work, I thought to myself, why sit here all alone. . .I think I'll call Jack and see if I can go visit him for a while. He said yes and gave me instructions on how to get to his place and I went on over to see him. When I got there, he was doing dishes and listening to Led Zepplin. He invited me in and we listened to the music and sat on the floor and talked for hours. When I got ready to go home, he walked me to my car and touched my shoulder and said, "Sometimes all you need is a friend". And what a friend he has been all these years!
We started going out and hanging around together all the time at work and after work and in July he asked me to move in. On the 16th of July, he said we should get married and have a baby! I was shocked because I had felt too old to ever meet anyone, fall in love or have children. I thought life had passed me by. I went in after break and told Linda what had happened. I cried in the women's bathroom and they were tears of happiness and surprise.
He posted our engagement in the paper and we went to his Mom's house to tell her about it. We had a small celebration party and I was the happiest girl in the world. I was having so much fun and he took me to places I didn't know existed. One night he asked me if I wanted to go see KISS and I said yes, not knowing a thing about them. I had the time of my life and couldn't take my eyes off them. I stood up for the whole concert and had the time of my life! On the way home it was all I talked about. I think he sort of smiled knowing I was a country bumpkin who had never seen anything like that! We always had fun together and we didn't particularly care if other people liked it or not!
In December on my birthday, the 24th, we tied the knot at my parent's house in Chula Vista. It was a beautiful day, hot, sunny and so still. Like all the world was watching. Then we left to begin our lives together, and that night we went for a drive and everything was decorated for Christmas and it seemed like it was all to celebrate our union. I was then, and am now, one of the happiest people on the planet. He has been such a blessing to me. He has been there through a difficult birth and raising 3 kids while we both worked. He has been there through medical problems, the death of my parents and grandmother, and through many financial problems, and personal problems. He is right now working at a job he's not particularly happy with, so I can be retired. He always puts me first, always loves me, always gives his all and today we have 3 grown children, 7 grandchildren, a home that's really a home. We have given our all to each other and even though we don't have a huge bank account or live in a mansion, we have the strong love and support of a loving family and each other.
I have had problems that would have driven most men away, but not Jack. He stays and gives his support, love and devotion and helps me every day to celebrate a life that was a gift from God. I love this man more every day if that's possible, and I know in the great beyond, we will still be loving one another and sharing what God has planned for us until that day arrives when we say goodnight for a short while. But we will be reunited in the great beyond and I just want the world to know what a lucky lady I am and how devoted I am to this wonderful person. He has always made me feel young and today I hae to say I still feel young even though I am 64.

Love you forever,
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Life Is Precious - Take Nothing for Granted
I have heart disease and had a heart attack at 43 years of age. That was back in 1991. At that time I had 7 blockages in my heart. Part of my heart was severely damaged and my doctor at the time said the worst one was 70 percent occluded. He said if it got to 90 percent they would have to do open heart surgery. I changed my eating habits, and within a month I was back to work. We stopped eating hot dogs, bacon, pizza, the wrong kinds of oils and started replacing things with fish and chicken and salmon and lots of veggies and we all are still here.
Yesterday I saw my new Cardiologist and she gave me a diet to reduce the fat in my blood, or my triglycerides. She asked a million questions and really listened when I answered her. She really took an interest. Instead of telling me my foot was swollen, which I am aware of, she told me if I could lose even 10 lbs I could reduce one of my meds and some of the swelling would go down. Nobody bothered to tell me that until yesterday. I am a good cook, I like to eat, and dieting is something I have tried to do all my life. After my heart attack, I changed to Healthy Choice Dinners and my husband spent hours in the kitchen making special food for us. We all ate the same things pretty much as a family. The kid were young when it happened. Our twins were 13 and our daughter was 11. It scared them and they were on their good behavior when I went home. I was in ICU for 4 or 5 days and in DOU for 7 more. Then I was taken to Scripps Hospital in La Jolla for an angiogram. The next day I went home. I received excellent care and I am still here 20 years later.
I am on the long road to health, but I will make it. I am very motivated now, because this person took time to talk to me and took an interest in my care. I will exercise on the elliptical until I feel I can walk briskly on a treadmill for 10 minutes and complete an ultrasound which will show if the 7 blockages are gone as my previous doctor told me they were. They didn't show up on the last stress test...they couldn't tell if there were blockages or not, but he told me they were all gone. He was getting ready to retire and I guess just didn't want to be bothered. Whatever his reason for that bit of information I can't really say, but I really like my new doctor and feel I will make a new life for myself and my family.
It's never too late to start anew. Remember you are important enough to take good care of yourself. Life is good. You can start fresh and have a great life. You have to want it bad enough to work for it, but the rewards are over the top!
Yesterday I saw my new Cardiologist and she gave me a diet to reduce the fat in my blood, or my triglycerides. She asked a million questions and really listened when I answered her. She really took an interest. Instead of telling me my foot was swollen, which I am aware of, she told me if I could lose even 10 lbs I could reduce one of my meds and some of the swelling would go down. Nobody bothered to tell me that until yesterday. I am a good cook, I like to eat, and dieting is something I have tried to do all my life. After my heart attack, I changed to Healthy Choice Dinners and my husband spent hours in the kitchen making special food for us. We all ate the same things pretty much as a family. The kid were young when it happened. Our twins were 13 and our daughter was 11. It scared them and they were on their good behavior when I went home. I was in ICU for 4 or 5 days and in DOU for 7 more. Then I was taken to Scripps Hospital in La Jolla for an angiogram. The next day I went home. I received excellent care and I am still here 20 years later.
I am on the long road to health, but I will make it. I am very motivated now, because this person took time to talk to me and took an interest in my care. I will exercise on the elliptical until I feel I can walk briskly on a treadmill for 10 minutes and complete an ultrasound which will show if the 7 blockages are gone as my previous doctor told me they were. They didn't show up on the last stress test...they couldn't tell if there were blockages or not, but he told me they were all gone. He was getting ready to retire and I guess just didn't want to be bothered. Whatever his reason for that bit of information I can't really say, but I really like my new doctor and feel I will make a new life for myself and my family.
It's never too late to start anew. Remember you are important enough to take good care of yourself. Life is good. You can start fresh and have a great life. You have to want it bad enough to work for it, but the rewards are over the top!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Jazz Live with Scott Martin
Last night, me
went to the Saville Theater
to see Scott Martin's Latin Soul Sextet.
and my old man
went to the Saville Theater
to see Scott Martin's Latin Soul Sextet.
This delightful combo plays a sparkling brand of straight-ahead jazz with a Latin accent that is a treat for the eyes and ears. Mr. Martin earned his stripes playing with such legends as Tito Puente and Poncho Sanchez, and the skill that sets him apart is his ability to blend the wide range of styles he has been exposed to, and create a sound uniquely his own, even when he is playing standards that have been known and loved by generations.
Lest I give anyone the wrong impression, Neither Jack nor I were the least bit familiar with the name of Scott Martin when it popped up on the Jazz Live schedule. We did a little research, listened to some samples, and decided he was worth a try. Boy, are we glad we did! We have gone from ignorant dabblers to dedicated fans overnight.
Before delving further into the band, a word about the venue is in order. Jazz Live is a program of KSDS 88.3, a publicly supported jazz and blues station here in San Diego. There are very few operations like this, as the jazz and blues genres don't have the vast support of the more mainstream forms, and so commercial stations that depend on selling lots of soap and breakfast cereals don't have much use for it. The last time we heard this being discussed, we were given to understand that there are three stations in America doing similar shows, and we are blessed to have one of them right here in paradise. Anyone interested in these magnificent artforms can hook up on line right here. Note that you can stream the station with the "Listen Now" button; I'm sure they'd be glad to welcome you to the family.
The Jazz Live program is funded primarily by a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Tickets are free for members, the thank-you gift the station provides in lieu of the stylish grocery bag you get from NPR. The Saville Theater, where the shows are held, is an intimate setting where every seat has an unobstructed view of the stage, and the back row is not much more than fifty feet from the stage. In fact, we chose to sit in the back row for this show, and here are the photos Jack took from his seat:
Every member of this band deserves mention, and every member could headline in his own right. Everyone gets his moments in the spotlight, generating rounds of applause and howls of approval, and yet there are no egos that can be detected below the surface, struggling to overshadow the others. The secret to their brilliantly crafted sound seems to be that, beyond a band, these are six good friends doing what they love. It shows. For the record, they are:
Scott Martin, Saxophone
Rick White, Guitar
Ernie Nunez, Bass
Warren Ontiveros, Drums
Mark Massey, Piano
Don Littleton, Percussion
The intimacy continued after the show. Being instant converts, we bought their newest album in the lobby, Only Trust Your Heart, a more traditional collection of Brazilian jazz in the style of Jobim and Gilberto, and on hand were Mark Massey, Warren Ontiveros, and Scott Martin himself to sign our new acquisition, and even take the time to briefly talk about their music. They proved to be gentlemen of the old school, as well as musicians of the first order.
It is a rare event indeed when every aspect of an activity goes trouble-free and without hassle. Jazz Live is certainly one of them. From the free, convenient parking, to being greeted at the door by Jazz 88's on-air personalities John Phillips and J. Otis Williams, from the comfortable seats to the after-concert reception in the lobby, there is nothing in the process to cause one single frown or taint the experience with an oversight. If you are fortunate enough to live in the San Diego area, you must get in on this wonderful presentation, and even if you aren't, there is plenty to enjoy on line. Hook up and stream some of the best music you'll ever hear; I promise you won't be sorry!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Tidbits from the Tyler HouseMouse
Welcome to the Squeakings of a HouseMouse! Recently a friend of my daughter came to visit and we were entertaining 4 of my 7 grandchildren, or had been, and I was flustered and tired. She recommended some music to soothe the savage breast and materialized her I-Pod and headphones and I immersed myself in the haunting melodies of An Ancient Muse by Loreena McKennitt. The album is fantastic. Some of the music reminded me of a desert caravan crossing the sands under a moonlit sky. She is from Canada and her earliest inspiration came from Irish and Scottish music. After listening to the music for the first time, I got on the internet first thing the next day and ordered the album. Now I play it almost every night when I am ready to relax and meditate or just drift away in thought. The 7th Annual Canadian Folk Music Awards will be held on Sunday December 4th, 2011 at the Isabel Bader Theater in Toronto where she will be a featured performer. I believe her latest album is titled The Wind That Shakes the Barley. If you want a taste of freshness and something to relax to, I highly recommend her music. Thanks Liz for introducing such a talent into my hectic evening routine. I really enjoy it and plan to acquire more of it.
On a different note, here at the Tyler HouseMouse abode, we are redoing our kitchen. I am the happy owner of a new refrigerator and will soon acquire a brand new range. I have a very generous husband who never seems to tire of buying me nice things. He purchased a new TV and has plans to buy a dishwasher too which all make my life easier. He's a very special person and asks for very little in return. A very deserving man and I am happy to take good care of him. Thanks Baby! I really appreciate all the things you do for me!
I also have a rose garden in my backyard and I sit in the shade of our orange tree and admire his handiwork. Beautiful roses with little statues of children at play among them; symbolic of our grandchildren. We have plans to repaint our abode and create colorspots of beautiful potted plants around the homestead and we all will participate in the renovation of our abode. We are very lucky to live in beautiful San Diego, and partake of the beautiful climate, even though it's warmer than I care for at present. The roses don't seem to mind the heat. Compared to the rest of the country, we are very blessed to have the climate we do.
Enough variety for this first entry on the Squeakings of a House Mouse. Stay tuned for recipes, family traditions, tips for reducing stress in the upcoming Holiday Season and more. Hope you enjoyed this short snippet of musings and will come back for more.
On a different note, here at the Tyler HouseMouse abode, we are redoing our kitchen. I am the happy owner of a new refrigerator and will soon acquire a brand new range. I have a very generous husband who never seems to tire of buying me nice things. He purchased a new TV and has plans to buy a dishwasher too which all make my life easier. He's a very special person and asks for very little in return. A very deserving man and I am happy to take good care of him. Thanks Baby! I really appreciate all the things you do for me!
I also have a rose garden in my backyard and I sit in the shade of our orange tree and admire his handiwork. Beautiful roses with little statues of children at play among them; symbolic of our grandchildren. We have plans to repaint our abode and create colorspots of beautiful potted plants around the homestead and we all will participate in the renovation of our abode. We are very lucky to live in beautiful San Diego, and partake of the beautiful climate, even though it's warmer than I care for at present. The roses don't seem to mind the heat. Compared to the rest of the country, we are very blessed to have the climate we do.
Enough variety for this first entry on the Squeakings of a House Mouse. Stay tuned for recipes, family traditions, tips for reducing stress in the upcoming Holiday Season and more. Hope you enjoyed this short snippet of musings and will come back for more.
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